
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (A.O.D.A.)

It is Job Skills’ Policy that all employees work in an inclusive environment that acknowledges and promotes equal rights for all persons, including those with disabilities, as outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005).

Job Skills is committed to improving accessibility and support to persons with disabilities. Our goal is to provide a barrier-free environment that enables employment success and meets the accessibility needs of individuals accessing service — regardless of the nature of the disability.

We will make every reasonable effort to provide for those needs in a manner that is consistent with the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.

All the materials and documents hosted on this website, as well as information relating to our employment practices, may be made available on request in an accessible format that takes into account the person’s disability.

Job Skills’ Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Policy
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Job Skills continually monitors AODA compliance standards to maintain or exceed AODA WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

Commitment to Service

Job Skills…

  • Strives for excellence and effectiveness in all its services and programs.
  • Wants all individuals accessing services to feel welcome within a professional and safe business environment.
  • Believes in providing professional and efficient customer service to all who seek our expertise.

All individuals accessing the services and programs at Job Skills have the right to expect to:

  • be treated with dignity and respect;
  • receive timely responses to all inquiries whether fax, telephone, email or in-person*;
  • be provided with the services they need or be guided to other community partners who can help them;
  • have all personal information remain private in compliance with all applicable legislation;
  • be asked about their satisfaction with the services, facilities and operating methods of Job Skills and be assured that their feedback will be reviewed and where possible, action will be taken;
  • have universal access to all Job Skills’ sites.
* All services and programs at Job Skills have specific service delivery standards that will be communicated to all individuals accessing those services.

Feedback Form

As part of our commitment to improving accessibility, we would like to hear your comments, questions, and suggestions about the provision of our programs and services to people with disabilities.